As a few days ago I was in Madrid, I took the chance to visit the exhibition “Tropologías” by Andrés Pachón, hosted from February, 19th to May, 17th 2015 at the Museum of Anthropology.
“Tropologías” is in intervention in which the contemporary
artist works on photographies, artifacts and various elements
belonging to the collection of the museum and put them in dialogue
with new original artworks. Presents the images as a new document,
they reveals the fictions and fantasies of studies we commonly take
as truthful.
For a year, in fact, Andrés Pachón researched colonial photo files
stored in the documentation of the Museum. From them, and through
various tools and means of intervention, Pachon generated new
documents that reveal the fictions contained in the original
photographs, which reflect Western exotic imagination about life,
habits and behavious of the Others. This way, the artist questions
the Eurocentric images of time, and Spanish colonial mentality
between 19th and 20th century.
In 1887 the photographer Fernando Debas portrayed several Filipino
characters, brought to Madrid on the occasion of exhibition of
Philippines, one of the colonial exhibitions of those years.
However, the way he put
them on stage in front of the camera shows more the imagination of
the photographer, who sets his subjects into a wild and exotic
environment, more then the reality of the subjects themselves...
In 1900 the doctor Ripoche sent to the National Museum of
anthropology of Madrid a collection of 400 photographs of human
types African, from the Museum of Natural history in Paris.
Each portrayed was photographed head-on and profile, so that
European scientists could measure and cataloging the physical
characteristics of each breed. The physical differences between the
appearance of other races, compared with the European, serving,
ultimately, to justify their inferiority.
In 1897, the Crystal Palace, in the Park of the Retiro in Madrid,
received a large group of individuals from Ashanti (British West
Africa), which were shown in an «ethnographic» exhibition –
"human zoo" as they were called
in the rest of Europe.
Photographs taken by amateur
and professional photographers and belonging to Museum collection
are now developed and frames under a glass echoing Crystal Palace
windows with the effect of outdistancing the representation: are
Ashanty people really as exotic as they seem or it's just western
framing revealing us them this way?
In 1914 many Moroccans were
members of the regular indigenous forces of Melilla, belonging to
the Spanish army. Police files were based on Alphons Bertillon
French system, which was intended to describe the person
objectively. It consisted of two photographs and a thorough physical
and sociological description of the subject.
From the 18th century the
great colonial powers prompted scientific expeditions, bringing
Europe plaster or other races photographs to facilitate their
physiological study. At the beginning of the 20th century doctor
Ripoche sent a collection of these busts, plaster, to the National
Museum of anthropology of Madrid. These busts are copies of a
conserved in Paris, and not original series made from the face of
the represented. They were copies of the copy.
The busts that are depicted in
these photographs were sent from the Museum of Natural history in
Paris to the National Museum of anthropology of Madrid at the
beginning of 1900, thanks to Dr. Ripoche, a Canarian resident
investigator in Paris who worked as an intermediary between the
French museums and the Spaniards for the acquisition of several
collections of photographs and busts anthropological reference.
last section, part of the work consists of photographs presented as a
game of mirrors where digital manipulation and synthesis (3D) images
transform their realistic resources on servers of its unreality,
making it clear that the footprint of the physical world has become